The Fastest Way To Uncover Breakthrough Marketing Strategies For Your Business
Introducing:  The SMT Business Intensive
Are you tired of struggling with your marketing efforts, unsure of which direction to take? The SMT Business Intensive is here to provide you with a comprehensive marketing roadmap that will unlock new opportunities and help you overcome the obstacles holding you back. 

Through a thorough examination of your current marketing assets and those of your competition, we will identify the areas in need of improvement and prioritize the necessary steps to elevate your business to the next level. 

It's time to take charge of your marketing and achieve the success you've been striving for. Sign up for the SMT Business Intensive, and let SMT show you the way!
It's time to take charge of your marketing and achieve the success you've been striving for. Sign up for the SMT Business Intensive, and let SMT show you the way!
You can add a video on this page to insert some personality and connection, along with explaining what services you offer.
About SMT
Sales & Marketing Technologies (SMT) is a well-established marketing company based in Orlando, Florida. To date, we have worked with over 4,500 companies in a wide variety of industries to improve their marketing methods, systems, and results. 

It is ABSOLUTELY imperative that you order the Business Intensive and fill out the questionnaire TODAY if you want to work with us in the next 30-60 days. Our schedule fills up quickly. The clients who book ahead and have time to do this process right are likely to get more out of their business intensive than those who try to squeeze something in last minute.
Here is what you can expect...
Pre-Meeting Research and Planning
Once the order is placed and the Pre-Meeting Questionnaire is returned, an SMT marketing strategist will study your answers and make a determination whether or not we can help you. 

To gain a full understanding of your situation, SMT will conduct an investigation of your company website, social media presence, blog, sales funnels, up to 3 competitors websites, etc. Once the review and investigation is completed, the strategist will prepare the Business Intensive meeting agenda.
Day of the Business Intensive
Someone from our office will send and confirm you received a Zoom Invitation for the Business Intensive invitation. At the selected time, the meeting is held via Zoom so it can be recorded. Simply have your computer ready at the appointed time and click the meeting link in the invitation. You may either connect via the Internet using audio microphone and headset or via a phone call to the conference call number. The meeting will last approximately 2 hours. Once the meeting has concluded, a follow up meeting is scheduled.
Someone from our office will send and confirm you received a Zoom Invitation for the Business Intensive invitation. At the selected time, the meeting is held via Zoom so it can be recorded. Simply have your computer ready at the appointed time and click the meeting link in the invitation. You may either connect via the Internet using audio microphone and headset or via a phone call to the conference call number. The meeting will last approximately 2 hours. Once the meeting has concluded, a follow up meeting is scheduled.
Follow Up Meeting - Results From The Business Intensive
After the Business Intensive, the strategist will prepare his or her recommendations. Once completed, you will receive a prioritized list of recommendations, MindMap (agenda and notes) from the meeting and the Zoom video recording of the meeting​. 

Another meeting or call may be scheduled to answer any questions and determine next steps.
Marketing is part art and part science. WE DO NOT guarantee revenue goals. That’s just not fair to ask of your marketing company, since we are only the part of the business equation. Any client who has worked with us will tell you that we are 100% committed to your success. We treat your business as our own. We will help you stay on task, organized, and on point. We have the ability to come up with breakthrough ideas in minutes, and will also help YOU get unstuck in your own mind about what to do next and how to proceed. We treat your business as if it’s our own.

In order to work with us, it needs to be a good fit. We don't work with just anyone, and there are some companies we are not able to help. If after we've reviewed your questionnaire we feel it is either not a good fit or we can't help, we'll let you know within 48 hours and issue an immediate refund. If we are a good fit, we'll proceed and chances are we'll be friends for life.
Here is How To Order Your Business Intensive
1. Click the Get Started button below and order the SMT Business Intensive
2. Download, fill out and send back the Pre-Meeting Questionnaire
3. Come ready and well rested to the Business Intensive Meeting on the scheduled day
Sales & Marketing Technologies
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